πŸ‘΄VP Howard

Howard, or Mr. Howard, as he wants to be called around the office, has the longest tenure in the firm. He is one of the OG founders and was around long before Venture VX even started doing this β€œCrypto Crap’’ (as he calls it).

Howard has been happily married for the past 45 years, but he still lets his female employees know they have a β€˜β€™nice physique...’’ when they pass next to him.

Howard is loud, rude and used to getting what he wants, whenever he wants it, no matter the costs. He hates everything about the government, especially when it comes to taxing the wealthy.

Relative Dividend Rewards: X2.5

Voting power: X5

Board of directors: Yes

Authority: Budgets, Future investments, Manage all meetings, Vote

Last updated